Collins Ijoma
Board Member - Africa
The twentieth and immediate past president of NACM Collins E. Ijoma is the Trial Court Administrator (TCA) for the Superior Court of New Jersey, Essex County in Newark. He began his career in court administration in 1983 and prior to being promoted to TCA in 1995 he served six years as the Assistant TCA. Mr. Ijoma has shared his experience and dedication to the field of court administration throughout the state of New Jersey and with other states nationally and internationally consulting and teaching in the areas of Caseflow management and other key topics. As chair of the statewide education and training committee he established training standards and educational goals for the 8,000 person workforce of the New Jersey Judiciary. He has been very active with the Mid-Atlantic Association for Court Management, served on its Advisory Board for a number of years and was the executive editor of the MAACM quarterly newsletter – The Beacon for five years. As a member of the NACM Board he brought new emphasis to international membership recruiting. He also served as the NACM representative on the COSCA/CCJ Task Force on Therapeutic Justice and on the advisory committee for the NCSC publication State Court Organization. He is currently a member of the COSCA/BJS Court Statistics Committee. Mr. Ijoma has served as a consultant to the National Center for State Court Nigeria Rule of Law Project under the auspices of USAID and consulted for the Supreme Court of Nigeria where he implemented electronic recording in all of the federal courts. He is currently involved with court improvement projects in a number of state courts in that country. He also served as a consultant to the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court in St. Lucia assisting with implementation of electronic recording of court proceedings and Caseflow management. Upon moving to the United States from Nigeria in 1976 he completed his undergraduate degree in Accounting and Business Administration and later earned a Masters Degree in Public Administration from Seton Hall University in 1982. He became a Fellow of the Institute for Court Management upon completing the Court Executive Development Program in 1991. He is currently the chair elect of the New Jersey Judiciary’s Administrative Council.