Kevin J. Bowling
KEVIN J. BOWLING JD, MSJA, ICM Fellow retired from the US judicial branch of government following a 44-year career as an attorney, court administrator, judicial branch educator, and consultant. Most recently, Mr. Bowling served as the Trial Court Administrator and Attorney Referee for the 20th Judicial Circuit Court and the Ottawa County Probate Court in Ottawa County, Michigan. He is a Past President of the National Association for Court Management (NACM); Co-Chair of the Joint Technology Committee (a collaboration of the Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA), the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) and NACM; and Chair of the Department of Justice/Bureau of Justice Administration Global Advisory Committee. His work in the judicial system includes judicial branch training in numerous US states and service in western Africa as Deputy Chief of Party for the Nigeria Justice Sector Assistance Project. Mr. Bowling served for 20 years in a variety of positions with the Michigan Supreme Court, including State Judicial Educator and Regional Court Administrator. During his career Mr. Bowling hosted several international court delegations, including court representatives from Costa Rica, Ukraine, Germany, and South Korea. In addition, he represented NACM at the IACA Conference in The Hague, The Netherlands, served on the NACM International Committee, and was faculty for National Judicial College webinars on Online Dispute Resolution for the Ukraine judiciary.
Mr. Bowling received his BA in Political Science/Public Administration from Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island; a MS in Judicial Administration from the University of Denver College of Law; a JD from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Lansing, Michigan, and is a Fellow of the Institute for Court Management. He is a member of the State Bar of Michigan, Ottawa County Bar Association, National Association for Court Management, and Michigan Juvenile Justice Vision 20/20. Mr. Bowling has served on the Board of Directors of the National Association for Court Management, the National Association of State Judicial Educators, and is a faculty member of the National Judicial College. Mr. Bowling is a trained mediator and served for 19 years on the Board of Directors for Mediation Services in Holland, Michigan.