Tim Bunjevac
Dr Bunjevac is a leading international scholar in court administration with more than 20 published books, articles, conference papers and other publications, including several publications in A and A*-ranked law journals. He is a top 8%-ranked published scholar globally (on Social Science Research Network, November 2024), and has more than 10 years of university teaching expertise in Court Administration, Innovative Justice, Constitutional Law, Corporate Law, and Civil Procedure. He has published peer-reviewed comparative studies of many court systems including those of Australia, USA, Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden, Ireland, England and others. He is the author of a leading book in this area titled 'Judicial Self-Governance in the New Millennium' (published by Springer in 2020, with Foreword by the Attorney-General Robert Clark). Dr Bunjevac has extensive expertise in managing rule-of-law projects, seminars and conferences involving high-level stakeholders, such as ministers, parliament, government secretaries, judges and international bodies and government agencies. He has presented at rule of law seminars and conferences in Australia, North America, South America, Asia and Europe. Dr Bunjevac was an award-winning advisor to the Attorney-General and Executive Director of Courts at the Department of Justice in the state of Victoria, Australia, between 2008 and 2012. Between 2019 and 2024 he was the co-Managing Editor of the International Journal foe Court Administration, IACA’s flagship publication. He has more than five years of practical experience in court litigation as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia. He is fluent in English, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian languages, and has a solid command of the Russian and Macedonian languages. |