Vania Boutaud Mejias 

Vania Boutaud Mejias Vania Boutaud Mejias is Judge in 6th Criminal Guarantees Court of Santiago, and she serves as Judge of Drug Treatment Courts.

She was Director of the National Association of Magistrates.

She is a lawyer, with a Master's degree in Public Law specialized in Constitutional Law from the Catholic University of Chile; and

Master´s degree in Public Law specialized in Probity and Control from the Finis Terrae University,

Diploma in Criminal Procedure Law, Protection Resource, in Probity and Transparency in Public Administration

Former fellow in Judicial Training for Members of Ibero-American Judiciary from the Judicial School of the General Council of the Spanish Judiciary,

She is currently studying for a Master's Degree in Magistracy and Judicial Law at the Austral University of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

Professor of procedural law.

Director of Judicial Conversation.